Make an appointment

Unavailable due to holidays from 12/07-28/07

If your pet is very ill and/or you want to make an appointment for within 24 hours, please phone me at 0612412214


Opening hours Vet@Home (only in The Hague area):
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 09:00-17:30
On Wednesday I don't do home visitations but I'm available for phone consultations
Saturday 09:00-13:00 (in consultation, only emergencies)

Your Name

Address and postal code


Your Email

When would you like to make an appointment?*

The date is not synchronized with my agenda. If I have another appointment at that day/time, I'll contact you to schedule the appointment at another moment.
In the text reserved for the description of the symptoms of your pet, you can also let me know when you are available if you prefer.

Information about your pet

Name of your pet



Date of birth

Reason of the appointment?

If necessary, describe shortly the symptoms of your pet

*Your appointment is definitive upon confirmation.