All prices include taxes and transportation cost (as of January 2025)
We have 20-30 minutes available per consultation, depending on the problem at hand
- Consultation € 76,75
- Evaluation consultation (within 14 days for the same problem) € 59,55
- Short consultation € 44,45
- Consultation rabbits/exotic animals € 65,30
- Consultation e-mail/phone € 24,75
The vaccination consultation includes a full check-up for your animal
- Vaccination dog (Leptospirosis, puppy vaccinations) and cat € 86,20
- Vaccination dog (5-way) € 88,30
- Rabies € 88,30 (in combination with another vaccination € 43,35
- KC (Kennel Cough) € 88,30 (in combination with another vaccination € 43,35
- Vaccination rabbit € 76,80
- € 15 discount (per animal) for more than one animal
Chipping and registration
- Chipping (incl.registration) € 85,70 (in combination with consultation or vaccination € 44,40
- Dog <10 kg € 175
- Dog 10-25 kg € 190
- Dog 25-40 kg € 200
- Dog 40-55 kg € 210
- Dog >55 kg € 220
- Cat € 165
- Rabbit € 130
- Rodents € 105
Parking costs
For areas where the parking rates are above 2,70 euros / hour, the full parking costs will be charged. You can of course also use a visitor pass.
Payment methods
We have a mobile pin machine, so you can easily pay using your bank card (pin) at home. Cash payment is also possible. We do not work with accounts.
If you have an animal health insurance, you can hand in the proof of payment from Vet@Home with your animal insurer. The costs will be reimbursed to you according to the terms and conditions of your insurance.
• Tel: 06-12412214
• KvK nr. 63444739 (Chamber of commerce)
• IBAN: NL06 INGB 0006 8814 80
• Diergeneeskunderegister nr. 660905 (Veterinary registry number)
The appointment
If your pet has a prior medical history (illness, allergies, operations etc.) we would like to read its vet records in order to be able to provide your pet with the best care possible. You can e-mail the records to us after requesting it from your previous vet. As the records are confidential, we cannot request them for you.
If you would like to make an appointment with us, we will try to find a suitable day and time together with you. We can give you an estimated time when you can expect the vet. He will do his utter best to be there on time, but unfortunately there can be unpredicted circumstances under which he will be later. If he runs more than 15 minutes behind, he will phone to inform you.
Appointments can be cancelled free of charge up to 24h in advance, else the costs will be charged to you.
The duration of the appointment will be 20-30 minutes. Dr. Roncal will ask you some questions at the beginning of the appointment, after which he will perform the physical examination of your pet. If needed, further tests will be done then. Dr Roncal will discuss his findings with you and answer any questions you might have at the end of the appointment.
Dr Roncal will keep records of your animal’s health. You can pay with a pin card and cash at the end of the appointment, and your proof of payment will be sent to you for your own administration or so you can hand it in with the animal insurance company.